Thursday, October 11, 2007


"BALANCE": mental steadiness or emotional stability; habit of calm behavior, judgment, etc.

This is what the dictionary says about "balance". I find that interesting. My cousin and I often
disscuss that "Balance" is one of the most important AND one of the hardest things to have in our lives. Everyone is rushing these days... trying to balance being a parent, being a spouse,
daughter or son, going to work, spirtuality.. and somehow in there finding a little down time for ourselves. WHEW! No wonder we are all so busy and so tired. Trying to make a perfect balance
in our lives ( or "equilibrium" ) is key however. I hate to use the old cliche of " take one day at
a time"... but isint that really a fitting saying for our generation these days? The best we can do
is take one day at a time, trying to balance all our occupations and doing the very best we can. No one can ask more of us than that. Sounds easy huh? Well, we all know its not.

Thus brings me to our next dictionary search " JUGGLE": to keep several objects, in continuous motion in the air simultaneously by tossing and catching.

Well, there you have it... we just have to balance our juggling of all aspects of our lives taking one day a time. Easy as pie! Now if you figure our a good way to do all that without guilt.. please email me! ha!

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