Sunday, October 7, 2007

First Day of Blogging !

Well, as they say.... either move forward or get out of the way. So I am
now blogging! I have a couple of friends who have a blog site and I
enjoy reading their blog so much that I thought maybe I should give
it a go! Since you know that I do not use the phone service.. and am
sort of good at emailing, but a day or two late ~ I thought this might
be a good way to keep in touch!

Today I am recuperating from the ever long Round Top antiques show.
It goes on for days and days ... and yes, days. Packing up is the
very worst part and yesterday it was so hot I couldn't even think
about antiques! Yes.. that is REALLY hot! I guess that is the price we
pay for living in the great state of Texas. However, it seems to be
rather hot everywhere.

On a good note, shows were good this last week and I met so many great
new folks! At the Hodges Farm Sale in Bellville, TX we had a Great time!
Its such a great environment with a country atmosphere. Thanks to
Dawn and Doug, Carol, and all the wonderful volunteers who make that
show such a wonderful time.

I allowed myself a little known luxury this morning as I read before I
got up! I wanted to finish my latest book... "These is my Words" by author
Linda Turner. Its the diary of Sarah Agnes Prine ~ 1881 - 1901 as her and
her family live and travel about the Arizona Territories. WONDERFUL
book. I am sad that it is finished. I always miss the characters of a good
book after I am done reading about their lives and find myself thinking
about them during the days that follow.

Well, I will close my very first blog on this Sunday afternoon. But stop
by often and see what is going on at Frontier Homestead. Perhaps I
have inspired you to create your own blog out there in cyberspace.
If so, be sure and send me a link.

Be well my friends,



Unknown said...

well jilow its been warm (hot) every where ..I lucked out once again in Telluride ,,,the weather was great the music was even beter and the friends the best you could ever ask for...glad you did not roast in TX!

Calif Cousin said...

Hey Jill...very cousin the entrepreneur / blogger. How would have ever thought...I’ll be sure to bookmark and check out, when ever possible.

Calif cousin…

PS I think this is my first blogg…

Leesy said...

You may need to think about joining the literary world. Have you ever thought of writing a book? I e-mail soon with news of me and mine.

Like your Calif cousin, this is my first blog. How fun!
