Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Retired vs. Retarded

Well, after selling our graphics business last December, I am always being asked "so now what
exactly do you do ? " I am surprised and sometimes mortified that that was over 9 months ago
and I am not sure of the answer to that question!

Many folks have always told me that when they retired they could not believe how they got everything done that they did when they were working. Let me start by saying that I am not really "retired" although we often refer to it that way. We were blessed to sell our business for
a wonderful price but it was not, however, enough to "retire" on! But I did promise myself that if it sold I would take 1 - 2 years to follow my dreams and passions......

That all sounds wonderful doesn't it? Well, I am struggling with my day to day performance level! With the graphics business I would count how many boxes were shipped in a day... that was how I could easily track my performance level. Now, I get up early.... stay up late and have absolutely nothing to show for my day most days! UGGH! I am not taking naps or eating bon bons watching Opera either. But I just seem to be able to coast through a day with nothing to show for it! This does not fit well into my nature !!

So how do so called "retire-ees" make sense of their days? I guess maybe part of my problem is using the word "retired"... if I were truly retired at the age of 62 - 65, then its ok to spend your
days in quiet bliss and you would not consider tracking your performance! But since I am really supposed to be "following my passion" ... perhaps I am succeeding! I have done many many
antique shows since selling the business, and have come a long way with my antique website...
so I just need to adust my thinking and not set the gauge on how many boxes did I ship.....

This blog is like thinking out loud... it gives you insight to put your thoughts down in brown and
white! Thanks for going on the ride with me.....and my "retarded" brain!
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods this fine fall day my friend!
see you soon!

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